Monday, April 4, 2011

Do Looks Matter?

Theres the never ending debate in the community... I'm sure you've heard it before: "Does the look of a man have any correlation to seduction and results there?"

I get a variety of periodicals in the mail from BusinessWeek and Barron's to Time Magazine. Recently, I opened my mail box to see National Geographic and an accompanying poster. I did a double take going through my mail because I thought I saw my OWN face on the National Geographic Cover. The description on the cover compelled me to read more regarding "the world's most common face," which looks like mine!

In 2011, the most common face is a Chinese Han Male, age 28, and in 20 years it will most likely be an Indian guy. This composite image is not necessarily representative of US (where most of my readers are from) but the world in it's entirety. It makes sense since theres like a billion of us running around. I bring this point up as there are approximately 190,000 other guys like me and being the narcissist I wondered how successful the other 189,999 guys were with women.

Based upon the Gaussian Distribution, average looking individuals would not stand apart enough on the upper limits of the distribution to be considered "good looking." My face, as handsome as I'd like to believe it is, is really "average looking." Therefore I cannot attribute the majority of my success with women to my physical attributes. However, there is an argument with supporting research that suggests that women are actually attracted to men with symmetrical faces and/or bodies (Telegraph Article, Wikipedia Article, Stanford Article) and apparently have more orgasms to men with symmetrical bodies. Scientific evidence has not proved the last claim, but I'd like to think my body gives more orgasms to women :).

My in-field experience tells me that physical attributes do contribute to the overall perceived attractiveness of an individual. Yes, handsome model men do get more female attention than the average guy. I'd recall a college buddy of mine would go out to bars and clubs together before I had any real experience with true game and girls would come up to him all the time. All Brad had to do was be visible and look decent and his blue eyes and chiseled body would tractor beam women to him. They would open him and all he had to do was not screw things up and the girl would give him the number. I definitely think he relied on his looks too much. Brad would never approach girls and when girls didn't like him, he would take it very personally. In fact, I recall him pouring an entire Bear Bottle full of honey into a girl's tea because she didn't want to talk to him at a diner. Brad was so pissed the crazy mofo threw fucking rocks and snails off the ground at the diner from outside. Regardless, the dude still got laid consistently by semi-decent women but they would never be together for more than 3 months.
Looks matter, but I would never exchange game for looks.
Brad and I after college would hang out occasionally. I remember us going to our mutual friend's bar on a summer night after drinking at another spot and being the competitive alphas we are, he challenged me to a number close contest. He announced that we should see how many numbers we can get while we were at the bar. Given the beach bar demographic, his surfer type of style and laid back vibe is more desirable, but he had no clue I've been sharpening my game like a Hattori Hanzō sword. At the end of the night it was 3 to 1 in my favor. Brad expressed that he was quite impressed and asked questions because before he was used to getting more girls than me with his looks. I had to give him a few pointers. Sorry Brad, but game triumphs in the end.

Needless to say, all aspects of the game should be polished. Your "outer game" should be tight. Looking well groomed and with some dignity goes a long ways. Hygiene is very important. Style is critical and can boost your game if you're a Joaquin Phoenix look-a-like. Girls go ape shit when I roll up in my tailored suit. Do you think 007 would get eye fucked (and real fucked) by Pussy Galore if he was rocking an affliction shirt, light blue faded jeans, and Rainbow Sandals? Fuck no.

More on this in the near future...

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